Saturday, January 2, 2016

K is for Kid Chapter 5

Homecoming was pretty typical. They almost didn't let Jason in because of his chains, and once we got in there was a constant stream of kids either saying "Wow look at you two!" or "Hey look at the freaks!" or a combination of the two. We danced a little. Chilled with a few friends, then decided to leave. On the way to Kronos Jason got a little weird.

"Hey I kinda want to go to the Dawning tonight." he said.

"Oh?" I asked. I had only heard of the Dawning, but I never had been. Jason talked about it all the time, and a few of my friends had mentioned it before. It was a goth club a couple cities over, and I had heard it was amazing.

"Yea, want to go with me?" he asked.

"Yes." I said. "But I have to come up with a cover to tell my dad."

"Ok but can you do it soon, I want to go like now."

"What? Like right now?" I asked "Doesn't the Dawning run until like 2 or something? Couldn't we go after Poetry?"

"Yea but it's going to take like an hour to get there, it is already 9:30, which means we won't get there until 10:30. Which is already late." He argued.

"Oh boo hoo." I mocked. "It's not a big deal if we are late."

"Yes it is." he said. "We might not get in if it's too late. You know we can't just walk in."

To get in to the Dawning, Jason had made friends with the door guy. But the door guy was a little finicky about when he would and would not let underaged people in to the club. It was best to get there early and hang out in the parking lot until he gave you the signal.

"Jason I am not missing Poetry night. Kris and Loren are amazing poets." I said.

"More amazing than the Dawning?" He asked.

"I don't know! I've never been!" I was getting irritated.

He pulled into the parking lot.

"Well if you want to go, you need to tell me right now." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"If you want to go you need to tell me right now, because I am leaving right now."

"What? Your not coming in?" I said pointing to Kronos.

"No, I just told you I want to go to the Dawning."

"UGH! Ok ok. How about you come in for just a second. See what it is like, and if you still want to go, we can leave and go?"

"No. I am leaving now. So if you want to go, lets go. If not, go ahead and go to Kronos." He said.

I sat there for a minute. Angry. Sad. Hurt. Pissed.

"Fine, go to the Dawning Jason. I'll see you some other time." I said as I got out of the car and slamming the door.

He rolled his window down. "I love you!" he said. I flicked him off.

That stupid son of a bitch.

I climbed the stairs to Kronos, Kris was reading his poem, "The Bus Stop." I sat down next to Mandy. And cried.

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