Friday, January 1, 2016

K is for Kid Chapter 1.

I like to think of our generation as pioneers. We are the kids that will break all of the societal norms, bend gender identity, and redefine family roles. I say that because here I am, barely 16 years old, sitting between my boyfriend and my girlfriend, and her boyfriend, whom is also my boyfriends, boyfriend. I say this because we are sitting here, in public, out in the open; watching people pass by with faces of disgust, and we totally don't give a shit. Just to be clear, I am sure that some of the looks we are getting have nothing to do with our relationships, but instead are in response to how we are dressed. But that doesn't stop us from kissing each other to ensure our message is clear.
ahem.. "WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK!"

Today is a very nice day. It's summer vacation, we are all off school and work, and it feels like we have nothing but time to do what ever we want.
"I'm so bored." Mandy groans.
"Yea me too." Jacob sighs.
We had been all over town that day, looking for something to do. We tried to go to our mall, which is basically a ghost town, and had been kicked out due to the chains on Jacob's pants. After that we tried the skate park, but a fight broke out between Trent and some kid.
"Lets go find that punk from earlier. " Trent grinned. "I'll fuck him up."
"Go ahead! I'm staying here." Jacob said. "I'll laugh at your busted ass later."
"Fuck you." Mandy stood up. "He's just scared, lets go Trent."
"NO!!" I yelled, grabbing Mandy. "That shit is stupid. Just stay here."
"Why? So we can spend another hour sitting on our ass?" Mandy scoffed.
"We could always lay down and look at the sky!" I said as I stretched out on the concrete. "How many times can you say you took a nap on the side walk?"
Mandy layed down next to me. "Yea this is pretty stupid Quinn." she laughed. "Man get up we have to find something to do before I kill myself"
That is when I heard it.
"SHHH Shut up!" I said. Everyone got quiet. "Dude do you hear that?!"
"No, what?" said Trent.
"The music?" asked Jacob.
"Yea! shhhh!" I tried to listen again.
"Where is it coming from?" Asked Mandy.
I listened harder. It was rock... no metal... no rock... no that had to be metal. But Metal music being played loud enough to hear on the streets in our town? No fucking way. That is a crime in this town. Shit what isn't a crime in this town?
"Oh shit, that is the Deftones!" Jacob exclaimed and started running around to pin point where it was coming from. "Do you think this restaurant is playing it?"
"Fat chance." said Mandy. "Maybe it's coming from the coffee shop?"
Mandy poked her head in the door. "Nope, they are playing Fiona Apple."
I spotted an open window on the second floor of the building behind us. That had to be where it was coming from, but the sign at the door said "Children's Art Museum."
"Mandy, is that an apartment?" I said pointing to the window.
"I don't know, maybe?" She said.
"Let's go in!" Jacob said. "I've never been to a children's art museum."
"Yea and you'll probably get us kicked out!" I said laughing.
We all started in. The entrance way had a second door that lead to the museum, then a tiny stairwell with an iron gate. I peered into the museum. It was closed.
"Let's go up the stairs." I said.
"No way! You don't know what is up there." Mandy said.
"Maybe there is a murder up there!" said Trent as he bounded up the stairs.
"Wait!" I said running after him.
I nearly ran him over when we got to the top, he was just standing there, with his mouth hanging open. I caught my breath and looked up. I realized why he was in awe. I heard Mandy and Jacob gasp behind me.
Infront of us stood a naked mannequin, painted blue, and facet nobs for nipples. Behind her hung a painting of the american flag with a bucket of black paint spilling on it. Next to that was a painting of a surreal figure, a girl I assumed, with way too much makeup, and a blank stare. I turned the corner, the music became way louder. In the next room we found more bizarre painting and a few portraits of BDSM models, and a man. He sat behind a desk with sunglasses on and his feet up. He was asleep.
"Dude he must be stoned" Jacob said, and disappeared into the other room. Trent followed. Mandy and I continued to explore the art. There was a piece that was nothing but bullet shells, and another that looked like bullet holes. I kept looking back at the man at the desk to see if he had woken up. I walked up to his desk and picked up a sticker, it read "Art is Dangerous" I laughed and put it down. The music stopped, then the man moved. I jumped right out of my skin. "Holy Shit!" I yelled. He hadn't been asleep, at least I don't think so. "No, I think you mean BULLSHIT!" he said with a smirk.
"I'm sorry I thought you were asleep!" I said. "Oh I might have been, I don't actually know." He said standing up. He was tall. Very tall, with black spiked hair. "I like the art here." I said suddenly getting nervous. "Thanks." He said "Most of it is mine." I looked around for my friends. Where had they gone. I looked into the other room. They were all sitting on the couch. "Hey!" I said and ran over to sit with them. The tall man followed me. I squeezed my ass between Jacob and Mandy. "Scooch!" I said. "Oh your ass is so boney!" Mandy complained.
"So what are you doing here?" asked the man.
We all exchanged sideways glances. Mandy elbowed me hard in the ribs.
"OOOFFF! oh.. uh... well..." I stammered. "We heard your music and we liked it."
"I liked it." said Jacob. "You guys didn't know who it was."
"Oh you like the deftones?! That is a nice change." the man said. "Usually if I get a visit, it's from someone complaining about the "noise"". He did air quotes and rolled his eyes behind the sunglasses. Then he started talking about the art and how he has had a lot of trouble in this town.
"Man people just don't get art you know?" he said. "They come up here, glance at the pieces, and ask if I have anything that would match their furniture. Can you believe that?"
We laughed. We all knew how hard it was to not be mainstream in our small town.
"Tell me about it. Welcome to Staunton!" I said.
"For real!" Mandy laughed. "What is this place called, I never saw a sign."
"Oh yea I should get one of those." The man then cleared his throat and in a theatrical voice said. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, hold on to your seats kids. This is KRONOS!"

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