Thursday, August 8, 2013

memory #watever.

I will either figure out a productive way to number these memories, to just resort to naming them
none the less.
I have a photo to go with this one, and will scan it in eventually

This is a very short memory, it's a memory of my 5th birthday. I believe this is the first time we came back to Great Falls after we started running. It was a brief visit to my grandma's and grandpas house. I am not sure where we were going, or where we were coming from. My only guess is that we might have been on our way to the house we got forced out of in the middle of the night... because we spend a spring and summer there. and then got kicked out and left a lot of our stuff behind. That is also the place we lost our truck. but that is another memory.
This memory is about my 5th birthday.

All I really remember is: having 2 cakes. One Barbie, and I believe the other one was just chocolate. (ill reference the photo) The barbie one was neat, because it was actually a barbie, and the cake was the gown on the barbie. It was my favorite. I also remember having pizza, our usual pizza, from little ceasars? possibly. A thin crust square pizza, cut into little rectangles. It was my favorite, and I'll have you know that is one of many foods I searched for when I moved to the east. one of many.

I don't really remember why I had two cakes, or why our visit was so short. I also seem to remember us getting there really late at night. (well for a five year old) And I believe Dalten was sleepy or sleeping... and like I said before, we were not there for long. Kind of passing through.

I don't remember any presents. But I do remember wishing Grandma would give me her glass slipper. I use to try and fit my foot into the glass slipper Grandma had on display in the china cabinet. My foot was always just a little too big. Which was natural since it was a perfume bottle and not an actual shoe!

I did not get the glass slipper. Although that might have been the year I got my giant penny.
Pennies are another memory. I got a giant penny AND a penny bracelet one year. Maybe it was that year? Maybe that was right before we moved to the house with the pink shutters, but I don't remember being at that house long either. but who knows.

save those memories for later.

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