Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I don't believe in instant retaliation.

Not with matters of the heart. 

Anything that is said, or implied

Will most likely tear you apart.

Others are mirrors of ourselves

it's hard to accept, and hard to understand

until we can learn to be and let be

we will not be able to stand.... hand in hand

How can we stop hurting each other

can it really just be the peace within?

if we eliminate expectations 

a life of freedom will ultimately begin. 

But how do you love with out expecting love in return?

Romance is built, but is the magic number 2?

without love, would the world still turn?

without love, do i really know you?

defining the undefiable

you can't turn your back on this

but is this love reliable? 

only enchanted by a kiss

Maybe all of life is a phase

it's not your job to tell me

maybe I live in a haze

Just don't spoil my naivety 

If I retaliate, please understand

and know I hear you;

I'm not one to put my head in the sand

or ignore slander you spew 

If I could, I would take your hand

and guide you through. 

But for now, I'll stand by, and hurt                    Like you
                                                                           For you
                                                                           With you

                                                                          Because of you.

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