Tuesday, February 12, 2013

One progression of thoughts.

I only get 1 life
I only get 1 u

It's easy to get your head and heart to come to a compromise if you use your gut.

Instincts, we have them, we don't use them.

Instincts help me ride my motorcycle
they help me fuck like an animal
they help me dance divine.

Without instincts our brain controls our functions,
Without instincts our brain tells us our heart is just not in it
without instincts we don't know how to listen to our hearts
we can not hear them
we can not feel them

we can't even feel our own bodies.
Each function has its own seperate feeling. Walk around your house barefoot, feel the ground as it touches the bottoms of your feet. Some surfaces are cold, some are soft, some may be covered in cat litter.

As you step on a cold surface feel the chill as it moves up your leg, your thigh, your hip, and son on.
Can you feel it move through you?

Light a candle, touch the flame. Let it burn a black path on your finger as it moves around and through you at the same time.

Pull your finger away from the flame. Let the memory of he heat radiate through your skin, and spread.

Try to transfer this heat from one hand to the other.

Can you feel it?

try this with love.

Can you feel your lover?
Can you remember their touch? If you were blindfolded could you tell if your lover was touching you or if its someone else?

Run you fingers over your lovers face, let your fingers dance over their features
trace their profile in the air.

Why we think orgasm is the ONLY way to stimulate the senses (on average) Is something I will never understand.

If you learn to feel, you will ignite your senses all at once all the time.
Can you really say you know what the sun feels like?
Or how it feels to let the wind take you?
You can smell wind, taste wind, see wind, feel wind.

What about water?

This may sound crazy but you have to understand that it is our brains that allow us to function in any certain way, to experience or to be ignorant.
Our brains tell our hearts to stay quiet.
Quiet your brain, let your heart speak.

The human body is an amazing network, and an amazing structure. We are capable of so much physically but limit all that we do, all the time, based on skill, age, knowledge, fear, etc.
One thing I enjoy more than anything... facing my fears. Often I kick and scream and cry, but eventually I give in, I give in and let my body go.

The best way to learn to ride a motorcycle is to drop a motorcycle. It will scare the brains outta you.

Learn how to swim, almost drown
Learn to dance, embarrass the snot out of yourself (I still do, every single time I dance. it's the best)
Learn how to speak german, pronounce a word wrong to your german grandmother...you won't do it again...trust me

Learn how to drive, reck that shit.
Learn how to fuck, pop that shit.
Learn how to do laundry, ruin that shit.

See what I mean. Not everything comes naturally, especially in our spoon fed culture.

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